What is the best way to store Christmas tree?

Once Christmas is over, the tree needs to be taken down. But how do you store your Christmas tree? If not done correctly, it can cause damage to the tree itself. Since real trees are alive, you must keep them watered before taking them down and Christmas tree storage them next year.

Once the tree branches are dry, the water is gone from inside their inner cells. Bacteria can enter these cells through open stomata (pores) on the leaf surface, at which point they begin to break down cell walls resulting in loss of sap. At best, this results in discolouration or dropping needles; at worst, desiccation (drying up). If this occurs over an extended time, some species may never recover. 

Trees in pots

Trees sold in pots must be kept cool, shaded, and watered to prevent the compost from drying out. They should not be placed near radiators or fires, which may dry them out quickly. If the tree stand is filled with water over winter, make sure that it is emptied before it overflows - this can help reduce damp problems around the Christmas tree.

If you plan to use your Christmas tree for live nativity scenes or any other tableaus involving natural materials, remember that fresh evergreens will start to lose their needles immediately upon contact with either dry air or water! They should be stored in a cool, shady location where they will continue to take up water from the soil surrounding their roots. Once removed from the water, they will gradually rehydrate after 24-48 hours, depending on relative humidity levels. The loss of needles can be minimized by either spraying the tree with glycerine or placing it into an airtight bag, which can then be placed into an unsealed polythene bag.

Check out these great storage options for Christmas trees

Cedar-lined Christmas Tree Storage Boxes (with Watering System) With this cedar-lined box, you get all of the advantages of regular cedar boxes but also get a patented watering system that provides positive moisture retention and ventilation.

Christmas Tree Exterior Storage Bag is made from heavy-duty PVC and has a drawstring on the top to securely close it up after you've put your tree inside it. 

Christmas tree storage bags are great for those who want to store their trees in their attic or garage as they're large enough to hold an artificial tree that fits into a festive stand, as well as any of those that have been flocked with fake snow. 

Christmas tree storage boxes protect your live Christmas tree this year with a storage box from the experts at Gardener's Supply. Our boxes are made from sturdy, high-density polyethylene, providing excellent protection against the elements while allowing air to circulate. For best results, store your tree in a cool, shaded location where it won't be exposed to extreme temperature changes or direct sunlight.

Christmas Tree Storage Bags

Christmas Tree Storage Bags for Flocked Trees These baggies are specially designed to accommodate trees with loose flocking (snow) that may fall off when you take the tree out of its stand and then move it into storage.  The bag is also great for storing artificial trees without dust covers over their metal frame stands because no part of


  1. Time flies when decorating for Christmas! We love the smell of fresh pine needles but sometimes this festive smell becomes overpowering. Luckily there are some creative ways to store that Christmas tree that will not only keep it fresher but also cleaner than ever before! Setting up a Christmas tree can be quite a chore if you don't have the right tools or storage space, so take this hint from an industry pro - many trees these days are meant to be pre-lit with LED lights that stay powered in storage until they're hung in the tree!

  2. Hey, It is the best way to store a Christmas tree. It is meaningful content.
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